Casreli Chitistvala 0.75 ltr 12% Read more..
0.75 ltr 12%
The Casreli Chitistvala is an orange natural wine made in an organic way. Orange wine is made from grapes that give the wine an orange color when pressed. The wine is, like Georgia, still relatively unknown as a wine country, but that is changing rapidly. Definitely worth trying. Surprise your friends, family or guests with this unique wine.
The jury of the International Qvevri Wine Competition awarded this wine with a gold medal.
This wine is made from the Tetri Chitistvala. A real Georgian grape variety that colors the wine orange. Kisi and Rkatsiteli grapes are also added to this. In terms of taste, you will recognize tones of pepper, marmalade and flowers in the Casreli Chitistvala. A rich bouquet for a wine with only 11.7% alcohol. A pleasant wine to drink with both an aperitif and dinner.
Casreli Chitistvala 0.75 ltr 12%
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