Popov Cuvée Prestige 0.75 ltr 14.5% Read more..
0.75 ltr 14.5%
Popov Cuvée Prestige is a beautiful Macedonian red wine that won the Gold medal at Mundus vini. This wine comes directly from the Tikvesh wine region and is a blend of the Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc grape varieties. The wine contains an alcohol percentage of 14.5% and is 30% matured in barrique. Order this beautiful wine today and discover it for yourself. Cheers!
Popov Cuvée Prestige is a wine with an intense ruby red color, complex aromas of forest fruits (blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries), complemented by spicy notes of green pepper, vanilla, tobacco, cedar wood. Beautiful, full wine with soft ripe tannins. You can combine the wine well with classic beef, game or lamb, stews, cheese Camembert, Brie, Roquefort. Serve at a temperature of 16-18°C.
Popov Winery wines have the wonderful balance of fruit and floral aromas that is characteristic of their varieties and region. Annual production level between 150,000 and 200,000 bottles allows for strict quality control at all stages of the process. In the future, Popov Winery plans to maintain and improve the quality of every drop of wine.
Popov Cuvée Prestige 0.75 ltr 14.5%
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